Choose A Crystal. Get A Card Reading.
Whichever one is calling you. Or more than one. These beautiful earth minerals and angel spirits are speaking directly to you now.
Take A Cleansing Breath. Center Yourself. Begin.
Take a moment to clear your mind and heart. Set your intentions for the highest good of all concerned. Ask to be guided and protected by your personal spirit guides who work with the light. Open to receive their guidance through your higher self. Choose your crystal now — click on the crystal to receive your oracle card wisdom. Enjoy integrating these gifts throughout your day. Remember to Give Thanks for the blessings in your life. We are truly grateful for your beautiful energy here...
April Reading
Receive beautiful energy from the angel spirit of Raw Morganite to help you with your sensitivity to all that’s changing!
Coming April 1st….
Mother’s Day — May Reading
Receive beautiful energy from the angel spirit of Pink Tourmaline speaking directly to your Divine Feminine heart!
We’ll make this reading available in May…(just around the corner!)
Celebrating Spirit within. Honoring the New Earth and each other. Embracing empowerment. Bringing balance. Playing. Having Fun.
Thank you Mahalo Arigato Merci Danke Gracias Wa Do XieXie