Amplification ~ Magnification ~ Expansion ~ Growth ~ Purity
The time is ripe for self-care and cleansing. It’s easy to magnify the flaws in yourself or others and forget to reflect on where growth might be needing to happen. When Clear Quartz Spirit appears it’s a sign to turn your attention to all that is wonderful in yourself, in the people you care about, in your work, and in all your relationships. Grow what is good. Evolve what is working. Try something new. No one can be all things to all people at all times, so give yourself and those around you some room for humanity. And give yourself a fresh start. Once you do, the universe will allow for what’s best to come forward for healing and integration. All in right timing. Find your joy and it will ripple into everything you say and do.
Clear Quartz Spirit comes bearing energetic growth and expansion. What do you love? What do you desire? Choose well so that the seeds you water will lead to a bumper crop of just what you hoped for.
Invest time in activities that you value so that you can increase your fulfillment and prosperity. Abundance is your natural state and quartz crystal can help bring you back to it. So notice what feels healthy, good, and rooted in a strong positive habit or foundation. You can expand upon it with the help of the Conscious Universe.
The appearance of Clear Quartz Spirit signifies certain opportunities that lead to your greater good. Whatever you place your attention on will grow. Be certain you want it to!
Essential Meaning
When Clear Quartz Spirit appears, it is the time to focus on growth and expansion,. Whatever you appreciate — love, abundance, opportunities, or anything else— will grow simply by your observing it and feeling gratitude for it.
Are you paying attention to all that is good in your life? Clear Quartz Spirit brings the message that you will amplify whatever you focus on ~ so your practice is to focus well. Be Mindful of what receives the bulk of your notice. Make changes to your day to allow for what brings joy and balance.
Find what is healing and nurturing and what fosters your well being. Express gratitude for the bounty that is yours and it will expand. Whatever makes you feel more happy and alive - do more of it! The rewards will be felt in all areas of your life.
Crystal Spirit Meditation
Mediate with Clear Quartz when you desire clarity on any aspect of life. This crystal is magnanimous in that it will generously offer up its own energy in order to magnify that of any other stone or human energy field. Containing only silicon and oxygen, it is the purest of all crystals and is easily programmable with your intentions.
Hold a quartz crystal when meditating on what you imagine or desire with gratitude in your heart, or place it on your body when lying down. Then place it in a sacred place where it will remain undisturbed and able to maintain your positive emotion and vision.
Try creating a crystal grid for a project or an area of your life that you would either like to see more clearly or to amplify with goodness and abundance. Write or draw your positive intensions for yourself, remembering to include the highest good of all concerned, and place them with your layout of clear quartz crystals in a sacred pattern to remind yourself of your alignment with the manifesting power of the Conscious Universe and to receive the assistance of Clear Quartz Spirit to amplify your dreams.
Wisdom adapted from The Crystal Spirits Oracle Guidebook by Collette Baron Reid.
Oracle Card Wisdom
Coming Soon…
Celebrating Spirit within. Honoring the New Earth and each other. Embracing empowerment. Bringing balance. Playing. Having Fun.