Hello and welcome to this powerful healing space that’s been created just for you!
With decades of practical study and experiential work across mult-disciplinary fields, Rebecca is experienced at holding sacred space, creating healing environments, and offering healing sessions. She works with awakening souls as we share this uniquely human experience. Rebecca is living her unique calling through compassionate action, supporting others to live from a place of deep evolutionary inner attunement, a balance of inner divine feminine and masculine approaches.
Her path of knowledge and experimentation has led her through formal systems of cultural thought, direct experience, and esoteric and wisdom traditions: cultural anthropology, regenerative design and ecology, esoteric wisdom traditions, transpersonal psychology, integral philosophy, permaculture and landscape restoration, gardening and homesteading, quantum and meta-physics, astrology and astronomy, youth education, singing, writing, and a host of contributing artistic mediums and media.
In her work she embodies a unique awareness, grounded in the value of spiritual sovereignty, benefiting the integration and awakening of self, soul, and community. She lives with a deep respect of earth and all living beings, including a recognition of gratitude for our cosmic origins and connections. She dedicates her path to continual open inquiry and awareness into our evolving natural state of alignment. Working with truly heart centered practices, her presence can be felt as an Earth Guardian, Cosmic Intuitive, Energy Worker, Starseed, Guide, and Wisdom Keeper. She resides in Boulder, Colorado with her playful pack of Siberian Huskies.
How did she get here? You can check out more of Rebecca’s story below…
The Catalyst
In 1999, Rebecca, then a 23 year old cultural anthropologist by study and fashion model by trade living in Chicago, went into deep meditation, setting intentions to cut through the distractions and drain of exterior identifications with their related suffering in order to attempt to align with her highest purposeful path through inner inquiry, attunement, and contemplation.
Though her true inner path highlights Beauty, according to the Gene Keys, her focus is on sharing what Inner Beauty means through the eye of the beholder and through inner alignment.
Trusting this intuitive path led her on a one way ticket to Boulder, Colorado, which quickly resulted in self-healing and further spiritual expansion. Her transition and subsequent experiences opened the door for her to begin offering intuitive integration and guidance for others in practical ways.
During her initial years in Boulder, she meditated regularly and experienced a profound natural awakening, a spontaneous unity consciousness. Around the same time she found fulfillment in providing Akashic Records readings for fellow seekers. To integrate these and other significant non ordinary experiences, she discovered practices and studies that offered spiritual balance while living a modern lifestyle.
An innate interest in the healing arts led her to work with subtle energies in the body during healing sessions, as well as earth energy pathways (aka ley lines or earth grid) through landscape and garden design and installation. These endeavors expound the benefits of health when we are naturally aligned with the grounding frequencies of earth and cosmos and their cyclic rhythms. She is now dedicated to helping others discover and balance their own unique sacred paths through their inner nature and their practice of dharma or works of service in the world.
the light + dark of it
Your life is meant to be a 5D expression of your joy and fun, to be an expression of your heart’s true dreams and a practice ground for love-always-wins. Granted, this isn’t always as easy in the 3D manifestation to align with and to experience. We live in a deeply conditioned society. We bring with us our own soul history, personal memories, and lineage karmas (momentum). We know we are here to live with our individual sovereign power rather than be programed with the distraction of new tech or the propaganda of age old establishments. We hold sacred our attention and life force, cultivating the energy of love, co-creation, synchronicity, and respect for all life that shines in this world of polarity where the shadows of dependency, complacency, separation, fear, pain, addiction, and lower frequencies play.
We are here to live free of the rounds of cyclic enslavement and to benefit those around us with our uniqueness as a demonstration of the resonance of our original and luminous human gift of peace, health, and beauty in connection with the whole. Oh how our egos squirm and resist when we step outside of the expectations of our old selves and of others. Yet life’s diversity is nurtured by constant growth and adaptation. It is essential to be free to cultivate and celebrate newness wherever we find we can implement solutions with novelty, integration, courage, or kindness. When we can take another’s perspective while honoring our own, we find the win-win. For ultimately, we are each other. Maybe our infinite oneness really is holographic.
manifesting courage
Today more than ever our wholeness, love, strength, discernment, and trust are needed to step into the best versions of ourselves. We are gatekeepers who have the rare opportunity to set in motion positive momentum for generations to come. Simply by being and doing our best, rather than letting criticism ours or others balk our passion or efforts, or waiting for it to blow over. We are called now to take courage and shine our light, to recognize the support needed to be change makers, healers, and daily leaders who help, heal, dream, and who make real impact toward building a more ideal life for ourselves, our fellow inhabitants, and generations to come.
Everything we are moved to do in the world starts inside us and emanates outward like ripples in an invisible but felt energetic field that gains momentum. Each of us has this opportunity within ourselves, in our very uniqueness — a deeper discovery of which will unlock amplitudes of empowered grace and help quicken our collective transition into the new world we are responsible for co-creating. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. One person aligned with their higher self is a powerful catalyst for millions who have yet to awaken. The tide is turning, and together, we are reminding ourselves how to actualize our dreams and stay in the frequencies of kindness, peace, abundance, forgiveness, sovereignty, even amid the tempest. After all, we are light, we are spirit, we are one.
waking from the mainstream dream
Like the liminal time between dreams and waking, or the cinch of an hourglass, we are transitioning into a new era, one where we are now able to experience greater expansion, higher frequencies, and enhanced abilities to embody and manifest love and light on earth in real time, this lifetime. The lower spectrum is also amplified. The silver lining is that within this dualistic nature of phenomena comes an opportunity, that along with this light there comes an equally greater ability to meet and to transform darkness where it is found. Like a dream dissolving upon waking, or a cloud dissolving with the sun, we are living through the dissipation of a storm of old energies that are giving way to a new day. What will we make of it? Who are we becoming, if we are no longer what we were? We each hear the call. Who are you choosing to be today?
ACTUALLY Living Your Potential
On the front edge of these changes, many may wish for an ideal approachable yet omnipotent guide or relationship, a trustable, dare I say fun, participant in discovering your evolving expression or experiential evolutionary adventuring. We will find our tribe, yet in truth, that guide is always already… You! Whether you recognize yourself through others as your shadow tendencies, your ego/avatar, your higher self, a boundless spirit who embraces all as one, cosmic consciousness, or all these aspects— as you become more whole and remember your true essence, others ceaselessly help to remind, inspire, uplift, protect, challenge, share, align, and encourage us on our own path to remembering our wholeness.
Just offering to be present with you for a Sacred Session, for example, I may actually be able to help share intuitive guidance that’s unique for you, or to cleanse your energy as you let go of dense thought or emotion, allowing your body mind the respite from stress that sparks a renewed cellular remembrance which you feel as motivation, your soul’s powerful imagination which you feel as inspiration, or your spirit’s aliveness which you perceive as bliss.
Are you here to live your heart’s truths louder than your ego’s well meaning castles of security or petty dissuasions of unworth? Ready or not, the choice is to go beyond the paradox, and to trust that there is light even in the dark, as you open to a more empowered version of yourself emerging during this transition. You are being called to let the stories fade and to live fresh in this moment courageously revealing more of your self. As you discover anew who you truly are…
Finding your unique inner GPS
We are each way showers when we step into our power. I believe that we each inspire and guide each other through being more of our authentic ever-evolving unique selves. For example, I may be equipped to help you release old energy and raise your vibration, to look at the varied and multi dimensional aspects of yourself that are calling for integration, or to help you navigate a fuller or truer expression. This can help you move into ever increasing simplicity and alignment with your greater potential, actually helping you be more effective, successful, relatable, able to recover faster, to find yourself more in the flow, and yes to be happier, hopefully with fewer triggers and a more effective toolbox. With session work you will gain an understanding of the beautifully grand and simple universal pattern within your very nature and the mysterious infinite guidance within it.
To hear this guidance, written in your DNA and reflected in the stars, it requires you to truly make a commitment to practicing new ways of being. Now is the time to let yourself be reorganized, to stand strong and gentle, to find your center even if much of you feels new and fresh, and to embrace and embody new sovereignty. As you do so, others are doing so as well. It is essential and helpful to receive support in order to cleanse past patterns or connections as you refresh your current map— your unique understandings, patterns, empowerments and activations. You are guided and encouraged to embrace your own naturally unfolding path of realization, letting small or past identifications fade, revealing more of your divine humanity in service to one another and trusting others’ service to you in an ever unfolding unique path of actualizing y/our potential, daily and following your north star.
Artist: Cameron Grey
“You are invited to feel gratitude for how far you’ve come and courage for where your heart has yet to take you. The divine spark that lives as you holds unconditional love permeating infinite possibilities encoded within you. Realize your true nature.”