Isha Institute
The Perfection of Geometry
In today’s Spot, Sadhguru talks about how everything in existence is a question of geometry and how to fix our geometry in such a way that our system functions without any friction within itself.
Excerpt from original post:
People are asking me, “Sadhguru, why did you pick Linga Bhairavi, and not some other goddess?” We did not pick her – we crafted and gave birth to her so that she functions in a particular way. “Oh Sadhguru, you made her up – then she is not real!” There are many things we make, but they are still real. We plant a tree; does it mean it is not real? Your parents made you; you are real too. Even inanimate things – like a motorcycle – the engine is just metal, but when it comes to life, it can do things that you cannot do. That is why we make machines, because they can do things that you and I cannot.
Linga Bhairavi is a certain kind of yantra. A yantra means a machine. You are also a certain kind of machine, but Bhairavi has been tweaked up to be competent in a way that you cannot be in certain areas of life because she does not have the burden of a physical body. She does not have the burden of having to nourish herself. She is a certain kind of phenomenon. Every life is a certain kind of phenomenon. A tree is a certain kind of phenomenon – it is doing things all the time. The Velliangiri Mountains are largely inanimate, but they are doing too many fantastic things! The ocean is just water – but it is doing tremendous things.
Like this, there are many phenomena in nature – some crafted by nature, some crafted by human beings. Even if we craft something, it is not any different from the natural process, because we only do things within the laws of nature – there is nothing more, nothing less. In one person’s experience, gravity is bondage. For another person, it is a big possibility. Right now, if you want to fly without wings, an airplane or any other mechanism, your experience will be, “This damn gravity is holding me down!” But it is also holding the planet together. Whatever we do, we are still within the laws of nature, but the laws of nature are not bondage – they are a certain kind of game.
Everything in the existence, every physical form, is a question of geometry. Whether something functions smoothly or not essentially depends upon the perfection of geometry.
If you know how to play the game, you can do any number of things. That is why we start the Inner Engineering Program with rules. Only if you understand the rules and take them as your own can you do things. If you resist the rules, life will become miserable. Not just in a social context, but fundamentally and existentially. But if you are in tune with the rules, you can do magic. So, magic is just playing with the rules, not breaking them. It means learning to juggle the rules in a certain way.
So, Devi has her own form, her own geometric pattern and her own arithmetic. She also has her own sound. One thing we want to do is build a musical instrument that will play a sound that is appropriate for Linga Bhairavi. The mantras and chants that are played are in tune with her sound, but these mantras are more concerned with the geometry of who she is. We know what the sound is, and we tried with a bass, but it did not work. I have been discussing this with a few people, and they have suggested that we create the sound electronically, but I want a proper reverberation from a string. If we get the right sound, the whole experience of the Devi can be greatly enhanced.
Yantra – Meaning and Benefits
Sadhguru explains what a yantra means and how different kinds of powerful yantras can benefit and aid an individual in finding success, health and wellbeing.
Excerpt from original post:
What Is a Yantra?
Sadhguru: A yantra literally means a machine. A machine is a combination of very purposeful forms. If you make some forms very purposefully and assemble them together – ten gear wheels for instance – it becomes a machine. A yantra is a form, simple or complex, towards a certain purpose. A combination of yantras becomes a larger yantra – a larger machine.
If you look at the human form, it is a phenomenal machine - the most sophisticated machine on the planet. Yet, as children, we have all wanted a bicycle, which is a much simpler machine than a human being. Why? A human being’s two legs are great mobility-wise, but to go faster than that, we need an additional yantra. So as kids, a bicycle was the thing, and we thought that with a bicycle, life was made. That yantra, the bicycle, created such a phenomenal impact. Later on, we saw somebody driving around on a Yamaha motorbike and suddenly that was the yantra to have. And still later, somebody rode past you in a Mercedes car. Suddenly, you wanted that yantra.
Similarly, we have yantras which enhance our "mental-scape" too. A computer is a product of our minds, but still, if we are asked to multiply 1736 with 13,343, we reach for a calculator – a yantra. Everything that the calculator has, the mind has. It is not that the calculation is not possible in the mind. It is, but this purposeful form or yantra allows us to use our body in a much better way; a yantra allows us to enhance the physical body we have. A machine is useless without the human being. It only enhances the human being. Even though you already have the body – a phenomenal yantra – with you, as your aspirations and activities increase and go beyond a certain scope, you will go on adding more and more yantras. This is because it is possible to perform different types of activities better with specific machines for those activities.
That is how it is with the Linga Bhairavi Yantra. This is another kind of yantra or machine. Yantras can be of a physical form or energy form; both may function a little differently, but they do function towards the same goal.
The Linga Bhairavi Yantra is designed and structured in such a way that it enhances certain dimensions of your life. It has a certain kind of impact on your system, on the space in which you live, and upon the direction and destiny of your life.