Called to live a grounded creative life from a place of deep inner attunement, Rebecca holds sacred space with a deep core vision of love, wisdom, and sovereignty for the integrating and awakening of self, soul, community, our beloved earth, all inhabitants and cosmic families. She dedicates herself to sharing open inquiry and awareness into our natural state. Working with truly heart centered practices, her presence can be felt as an Earth Guardian, , Intuitive Energy Worker, Starseed Guide, and Wisdom Keeper.
The Catalyst
In 1999, Rebecca, a 23 year old cultural anthropologist by study and fashion model by trade, then living in Chicago, set intentions to cut through the distractions and drain of exterior identifications with their related suffering in order to attempt to align with her highest purposeful path through inner inquiry, attunement, and contemplation. Trusting this intuitive path brought her to Boulder on a one way ticket which resulted in self-healing and spiritual exploration. This transition opened the door for her to begin offering intuitive integration and guidance for others.
The CaLL
During this time, she meditated regularly and experienced a profound natural awakening, a spontaneous unity consciousness. Simultaneously, she found fulfillment in providing Akashic Records readings for fellow seekers. To integrate these experiences, she discovered practices and studies that offered her spiritual balance while living a modern lifestyle. An innate interest in healing led her to work with earth energy and professionally with Garden Design + Installation, expounding the benefits of being aligned with a healthy grounding frequency. She is now dedicated to helping others balance their sacred paths in the world by exploring their unique expression as an integral part of nature and deepening their awareness of connection within the sacred beingness of life.
Read more of Rebecca’s bio + work.
ListenING To Your Calling
Through each new SACRED SESSION you may find light within the deepest shadows, claim empowerment in relationships, open to greater success and abundance, integrate inner child and lost aspects, align with your sacred purpose, revive genuine joy and exuberant fun in living authentically, and connect more deeply to yourself and others in this life.
Through each ALTERNATIVE TOPIC you may meet new beliefs, larger truths, as well as discover individuals who are pioneering new lifestyles or movements that are igniting change. Now you can be a Sacred Explorer and get ready for adventuring into new territory. You never know just who you will meet along the way.— a new understanding, a new sense of self, a friend, a peer, a guide?
Through PRACTICE CIRCLES, you can also learn new ways of being a creator, how to reactivate sovereignty in your embodiment, remember the deep cosmic calling of your soul, and navigate the multi-dimensionality of the intuitive mind, just by being true to your unique journey!
Here you can expand your exciting sacred journey online, through your own exploration of readings, practices, sessions, new thought, and adventures designed to help you discover for yourself how to fall in love with life anew and co-create your dreams with other sacred adventurers. You can do this just by being open to rediscovering your true nature. How?
This site is a creative hub designed to assist you with opening to new wisdom and techniques, fresh tools, and practices that can help you learn how to work in new ways. You’ll find it’s filled with alternative information, crystals, sacred geometry, esoteric maps, and earth wisdom. We hope what you discover provides you with greater benefit in your life and sustains your fullest expression for the highest good of all.
Living Your Highest Potential
Your life is meant to be joyful and fun, to be an expression of higher dreams and a practice ground for love-always-wins…
It’s true…I believe that we each inspire and guide each other through being more of our authentic self, which is ever evolving. I help you look at the multi dimensional aspects of yourself that are calling for integration, and help you navigate them, to move into ever increasing simplicity and alignment with your highest potential. You will gain an understanding of the beautifully grand and simple universal pattern within your very nature and the mysterious infinite guidance within it.
For you to truly step up, to embrace and embody your sovereignty, it is my guidance to help provide clarity and an upgrade to your current map— your unique beliefs, patterns, empowerments and activations. You are then guided and encouraged to embrace your own natural awakening, letting small or past identifications fade, revealing more of your newness and an ever unfolding fresh unique path to living your greatest potential.
Artist: Cameron Grey
YOUr own guidance
Ever wish you had an approachable guide, a fun participant in discovering your evolving expression or evolutionary adventuring? In truth, that guide is YOU! Whether you recognize yourself as your ego/avatar, your higher self, this world, or cosmic consciousness— walking with you on the path, myself and this collective of Sacred Explorers are here to spark your remembrance, powerful imagination, and aliveness. Are you ready to let go of your old beliefs and take on a new adventure? Here we go…