What’s Possible When We Work Together?
By finding, acquiring, and preserving local land that has NOT been tainted by Big Ag, Big Oil, or 5G technology, we can cultivate a holistic center for rediscovering and sharing nature-based holistic foods and practices that help us attune to our natural rhythms, and live a healthier life together, body mind and soul.
By featuring inspiring educational programs based on mindfulness, group participation, and skillful practices, we support relevant conversations and tangible ways to come into right relationship with the land on which we live, and the people around us, thus facilitating the current green socio-economic revolution right from our own locale.
When we find ourselves with fresh local practices for eating healthier or growing our own food, we also notice within ourselves a growing awareness of our lifestyle, and with it comes an inspiration to share the good feeling. In this simple way, we are each positively shifting the cultural collective in our own backyards, our neighborhoods, and around the world.
Group Synergy
Every nexus has a center and surrounding rays. Like a flower, a mandala, a torus. There are many unique centers that make up this great web of life, and all are in motion. We perceive this invisible movement, this energy that creates and unfolds such beauty into form as a great synergy, an evolving symphony, a flowering language of light, and we experience it as life’s checks and balances —often times chaotic, yet always seeking an underlying unity.
At the center of harmonious human and ecological connections, we recognize our Purpose as part of the Whole, and we see this in the sacred geometry we form in coming together to facilitate a unique and inspired manifestation of group intention that can resonate. In our awareness, we become the flowering; An expression of the embodiment of this wave of holistic living happening everywhere at once. We are rebalancing our oneness, our community, co-creative service, and higher alignment. May all beings recognize wholeness.