Yellowstone Farm Flower Of Life Organizational Structure
Support, Guidance + Leadership
Center & Land Trust Funding: Currently Seeking
Board: TBA
Center Vision & Guidance: Michael Spitzer
Permaculture Partners: Jerome Osentowski, Avery Ellis (tba), Michael Maki (tba)
Business Organization Advisor: Adam Brock (tba)
Non-Profit Advisor: Mayana Kingery
Financial Advisor + Funds Manager: TBA
Property Manager: Rebecca Maria Carlson
Utilities & Maintenance
Buildings, Hardscape, Vehicles, Machines, Tools, Parts, Services
Farmland, Gardens, Softscape, Plants, Veggies, Materials, Labor
Design & Build Augmentation or Installation
Directors of Educational Programs: Rebecca Maria Carlson and Kelley Springer
Marketing Specialist: TBA
Documentary Film + Media Specialist: TBA
Legal Specialist: TBA for course waivers and basic liability protection regarding educational, labor, lodging facilities and use
Insurance Specialist: TBA for basic coverage regarding educational, labor, and lodging facilities and use
Landscape Labor: Rebecca’s Gardens LLC
CSA Program Lead: TBA
TLC Program Lead: TBA
Colorado Affiliates, Programs, & Certifications
our resources and wisdom can come together to create a healthier happier community in-tune with the natural world
Boulder PDC (Permaculture Design Course) and Affiliates, in Boulder & Longmont, CO
CRMPI (Colorado Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute), Jerome Osentowski, founder
Three Leaf Farm & Botanica Festival, in Lafayette, CO, inspires the full time farm, supplemented by hosting educational events and classes.
McCauley Family Farm, in Longmont CO, inspires bio-dynamic practices, teachers, and CSA
PINA, Permaculture Institute of North America, certification program
Integral Center, in Boulder CO, inspires community and the wisdom of Integral Theory via Ken Wilber’s writings.
Rebecca’s Gardens, Landscape & Garden Design & Build, Boulder CO, inspires permaculture based gardening and classes for families and kids
Global Network Centers + Affiliates
Potential sister farms or centers dedicated to eco-friendly and mindful living practices and education. Representatives for the following centers are already in talks. Each will offer a collaborative vision as part of the eco-neural network, as well as nature-based educational or work-opportunities for expanding self-sufficient properties, networking, education, or travel.
Hawaii (Big Island): Chrissi Lemire* TBA
South Africa: Mike Maki* TBA
Peru or Chile
New Zealand or Australia
Europe: Mary Reynolds* TBA