YEN Yellowstone Eco Neighbors

GEM Geo Eco Matrix

TLC True Land Collective

IAM Integral Awareness Methods

CARE Conscious Awareness in Relationships is Enough

SHIRE Systems Holarchy: Integral Relations + Environment

AVATAR Awareness to Validate Another Truth And Reality

Local Neighborhood supporters with a craving for Yellowstone Farm & Gardens including CSA and related Cottage Industries

Global Social Network and mobile platform for regenerative Farm + Education Centers, each aligned with one another through values and mission of Ecological Sustainability, Social Resilience, awareness of the Metaphysical, Permaculture, Alternative Education, Mindful Living

Based on Regenerative Economics and Social Dynamics; An eco-friendly community of vetted service providers matching laborers with clients and projects each with aligned regenerative values

Educational Program informed by Integral Theory and other alternative and metaphysical sources into a simple accessible grounded learning and practice container

Educational Program for assisting women and men with healthy awareness practices aimed at balancing our inner qualities of yin (feminine)/yang (masculine) for more supportive relationships

Certification Program for our global educational network featuring 9 areas converging around permaculture, earth-based and universal systems, holistic land cultivation, self growth, and natural healing

Children’s Educational Program integrating self-awareness, confidence, compassion, and creative super powers. Earth-based wisdom practices, simple Martial Arts, Wakeful Dreaming, Meditation, Creating with Imagination, and Group Performance.