Property Assets

  • 35 acres, AG zoned, with open potential for conditional use permits for proposed activities

  • Biodynamic Vegetable, Herb, & Flower Gardens (for 7 years)

  • Organic Hay Fields (with existing client list)

  • Abundant Ground Water: 3 Creeks bordering property (west),, a high aquifer all year, 2 drainage ditch water rights (one from Longs Peak near Estes Park)

  • Farm House, modern, furnished, Colonial Style, 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, radiant heat, 2 car garage

  • Historical Barn, with loft (may be developed into a multi-use group space)

  • Greenhouse, raised beds, modern with GHAT heating and ventilation

Farm Production + Management

    • Biodynamic CSA - 5-10 acre Vegetables, Eggs, Herbs, and Flowers Production, offered by the farm and run by the CSA Team

    • Woofer (USA & International) Program - Inviting select workers from around the world to live in a Tiny Home and to learn more in exchange for participating with daily use farm activities as outlined in support of the daily function of the farm

Land Development

To support adequate use of the land for proposed activities, the following developments are in consideration:

  • Acquire available Special Use Permits for AG zoned land for proposed activities related to people, structures, or land use

  • Open Bidding for Architect Companies to create 2-3 “Villages” of 3 unique Tiny Homes each with communal spaces for: (a) Woofers, (b) Guests, (c) Program Leaders & Staff

  • Develop Historic Barn into modern multi-use space with kitchen for dinners, group events, classes, guest rooms, bathrooms, and an educational reading/research nook

see video inspiration:

  • Expand Biodynamic Vegetable Gardens to provide more bounty for CSA

  • Introduce farm animals and care: Goats, More Chickens, Ducks, Guinea Hens, possibly pigs, llamas

  • Plant a bio-diverse Food Forest consisting of a fruit and nut tree orchard, berries, flower guilds, ground-cover

  • Create a natural retaining pond for wildlife using existing aquifer, with sacred garden feature (reference movie: “Dare To Be Wild” for visual/philosophical inspiration)

5 Year Timeline


Set Up Financial & Organizational Structures (Trust, LLC, NonProfit)

Appoint & Organize Leaders & Teams —  Hold Initial and Regular Meetings

Set Up & Implement “Integral” Leadership Communication Structures

Apply for and Acquire Relevant Permits — (Educational and CSA)

Continue Current Farm Production — Hay, Vegetables, Flowers (with existing client list)

Begin Private Documentary Film Footage for all aspects of Our Process & Experiences


Implement Initial Programs (Educational and CSA) — Build Memberships 

Begin Vegetable & Herb Garden Expansion — Additional Plots & Variety

Introduce Farm Animals — Additional Chickens, ducks, goats, maybe a couple therapy horses

Implement Initial Stages of Biodiverse Food Forrest — Plant diverse trees, berries, ground cover 


Develop and Hone Program Structures (Educational and CSA) — Increase Memberships

Set Up and Implement TLC (The Land Collective) “Cooperative” (Independent Permaculture Worker Program) a la “

“Regenerative Dynamics”

Continue Existing Educational Programs — Expand Membership

Introduce Additional Programs — (Expand Membership Circles)

Continue CSA with Expanded Farm Production — Hay, Vegetables, Flowers, Herbs (with expanded client list)

Apply for and Acquire Relevant Permits — (Historical Barn Development for Groups and auxiliary barn addition for 


Implement Barn Developments — (Architectural Design & Building)


Programs are sustainable “hit their stride” — (Educational and CSA)

Set Up and Implement Initial Partnerships with various Global “Sister Centers”

Expand Memberships — Highlighting global travel and education opportunities

Apply for and Acquire Relevant Permits — (Retaining Pond)

Implement Retaining Pond— (Design & Waterway Plumbing)


Continue Programs (Educational and CSA)

Continue Memberships (Eventually Hosting or Swapping

Programs and Participants At Various Global Locations)