Breathe, Let Go, Open To The New

For Accepting Inner Truths, Surrendering Into Alignment, Being + Becoming


Aura + Emo clearing working with energy

Zoom Group: March 02— 13 | DIY


relaxing mental patterns + opening to higher mind/intuition

February 14 (Sunday) | DIY


breath, body + the Motion of devotion

March 20 | Virtual Circle on 28 (Sun)



What Is Meditation?

And how does it work

A crystal grid is like an activated mini altar, its highest purpose is to honor that to which you give your intention and attention, be it in service, gratitude, love, manifestation, dreaming, healing, connecting, or celebration. Your inner state of being is felt and held in resonance by the crystals and geometry when you create this sacred space. A crystal layout is a larger array of crystals surrounding the focal point, which can be you! The principles are the same, and it’s not the size but how you activate it with your intention that is key.

Crystals are minerals, each with a unique structure designed to hold a spectrum of resonances. Created by the various forces of natural environments all over the world, crystals are a very powerful natural tool used for centuries to help us with everything from attunement to cleansing, harmonizing, or amplification.

They can be ‘programmed’ via your consciousness through intention, aka resonance, just like the silicon crystals in computers and fiber optics in communication technology. As with all things in the great web of life, crystals also have ‘consciousness’ or wisdom/healing/communication resonance of their own, which we feel or perceive and can relate to when we sensitize our inner tools of perception to attune with them. This is our original and natural state of empowerment and inter-connection.

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Working with crystals can help us regain such balance and respect for the earth and all living things while blessing our lives with much support.

Crystals are formed all over the earth. Ley lines carry the frequencies they receive and transmit around the planet, distributing and balancing energies naturally just like your meridian system balances Chi or Prana throughout your body. Ley lines and meridians are like rivers or arteries of energy resonance, even light! They act as channels for the circulation or flow of frequencies.

Working with crystals and the body is natural, as your body is made of mostly water and your tissues and bones carry resonance just like crystals do. Using crystals along with other healing modalities can help your body to begin to clear stagnation or dis-ease (aka disharmony in your body’s inner resonance) allowing the body to come into greater harmony, which is the metaphysical definition of health and the healing process.

You can work with and amplify your crystals in many ways. You might try using sacred geometry forms (grid or layout), declaration/ invocation, song, prayer, and by giving them your conscious emotions and attention in whatever way feels right to you. As in the principles of Feng Shui, the Torus, and the Golden Mean, energy (light, sound, resonance) flows naturally and is guided through sacred intention; you can receive and direct it through your body and through the earth into the world. Your crystal layout holds an energetic intention within a physical sacred space, while your action or ritual in creating that space pours the energy, essence, or Spirit of the matter into it. Like any creative method that makes artful and directive use of resonance, movement, and focus, working with crystals becomes a creative method, an integral practice to help you focus and joyfully co-create your life.

Creating Your Crystal Grid

Set Your Intention. choose Your Crystals. select a LAYOUT. aCTIVATE your magic.

Co-creating with the Conscious Universe can be fun! To engage the benefits of this sacred practice, you can start by identifying:


• a positive intension you would like to amplify

• an offering of service for the greater good

• a dream you would like to bring attention to

• a positive desire or outcome you wish to manifest

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You might choose to write or draw your intention/offering/dream/desire and include it in the sacred space you create. Make sure to hold this in your heart and mind when are joyfully/artfully setting up your layout.

Now that you have identified your purpose, you can select a few crystals to align with your goal. Choosing those that naturally compliment your purpose is both unique to you as well as an evolving skill. Listen to the crystals - use your intuition as well as your knowledge about which ones to include. Make sure that they are cleansed before working with them. A quick online search can also bring you general meanings to help support alignment.

Next, decide whether to arrange your crystals organically, select a simple feng-shui layout, or work with the empowerment and precision of sacred geometry. If you are inspired, you may wish to incorporate other natural, beautiful and meaningful elements to the layout to compliment your central focus.


Now that your crystal layout is set up, you can activate it, meaning take some special time to give your energy and full attention to it in whatever way feels right to you. This may be as simple as a mediation or speaking your intention aloud, or this may be creative including breath, meditation, sacred ritual, music, emotional presence, declaration, prayer, inviting your personal spiritual guidance and higher self or angels, ancestors and benevolent beings of light. Whatever moves you to honor that which you are broadcasting, calling in, or co-creating with the Conscious Universe will feel right to you. The focus is to create a sacred multi-dimensional space and to honor what you bring to it. When bringing your special time to a closure, if desired you may wish to ask your guides to help you put energetic protections in place and to properly close out your session. Make sure to share your gratitude for the highest possible good for all.

Remember, true time is non-linear. You may choose to activate your crystal grid just once at the time of creation, and leave it up for as little or as long as you like, while thinking about it and honoring your purpose from time to time. Alternatively, you may choose to change or refresh it every so often. Or you may choose to focus on completely different intentions as they come to you in the flow of your life. Because you are creating your own sacred practice, how you work with your crystals and intentions is unique to you and will evolve. You can feel the effects and make adjustments as your learn more what interests you and what works best for you.

Crystal Meanings

Because the molecular structure of crystals holds a unique resonance that affects us in specific ways, we can feel and identify what those are on different levels. For a quick metaphysical overview of the meanings of a variety of common crystals — including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual — one of the best sources is a little book called The Pocket Book of Stones by Robert Simmons.

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Ideally, you will get a feel for how the vibe of each crystal affects you and work with them intuitively.

For quick meanings, you can search online - I recommend adding the term ‘metaphysical meaning’ to the stone you are searching for the best understanding of its energetic influence.

For a quick yet esoteric index of crystal meanings and complimentary stones, I recommend The Pocket Book Of Stones by Robert Simmons.



Citrine, for example, is a silicon dioxide mineral, and a member of the quartz group. It has a hexagonal matrix and a hardness of 7. The element of iron gives it its yellow pigmentation, and its name is derived from the French word citron, meaning lemon. Natural deposits can be found around the world, such as in Africa, Brazil, France, Madagascar, Russia, Scotland, Spain, and the US.

CHAKRAS Root (1st), Sacral or Sexual/Creative (2nd), and Solar Plexus (3rd)


PHYSICAL Supports activity, digestion, and metabolism

EMOTIONAL Inspires possibilities, playfulness, and optimism

MENTAL Activates the thought and enhances mental clarity

SPIRITUAL Enhances creative imagination and manifestation

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Citrine’s energy works on the level of manifestation, personal will, mental clarity, and creativity. The vibratory resonance of Citrine stimulates the first three energy centers or chakras, all of which are essential to the process of cultivating fresh ideas and bringing them into manifestation through creativity, imagination, and will. Now that you have an idea, see how Citrine makes you feel.

Through the Sacral (2nd) chakra, Citrine stimulates our creative force, through which new potentials are born.

Through the Solar Plexus (3rd) chakra, Citrine can support a more energized and aligned expression of personal will.

SYNERGY Citrine naturally works well with Heliodor, Golden Labradorite, Imperial Topaz, Zincite, Orange Calcite, and Carnelian.


Celebrating Spirit within. Honoring the New Earth and each other. Embracing empowerment. Bringing balance. Playing. Having Fun.

Live Your Powerful Inspired Life