We Are Living In Unprecedented Times

Welcome. If you’re reading this, chances are you recognize this. Perhaps on many levels.

How can we make a difference? Individually. Collectively.

The time is long past when we could simply put faith in our larger institutions (and even fight) to lead on behalf of the will of the people.

Institutions, governance, and private interests have culled those whose self-will is stunted, narrowed until it can be bought to act without greater self awareness or integrated moral integrity for the greater good of the species or the planet.

Our new task is to recognize and cultivate that self awareness and that integrated moral integrity within ourselves. It’s called conscious leadership. We do this individually. And collectively.

Power exists. Leadership is fundamental. What defines it is the worldview (values) of those who lead and those who are led. Conscious leadership is experienced as empowering and synergistic. Egoistic leadership is experienced as privileged and suffocating, simultaneously.

The difference is simply that one is more multi-dimensional than the other. One intentionally sets up a balance to support and protect more choices, more viewpoints, more solutions, and greater integration of paradoxes, thus allowing for creativity, movement, sustainability, and growth, among differences. One institutes a polarity that forces everything into a struggle against what it is not rather than a right to be what it is.

What is this multi-dimensional integrative force? It is Love. In awareness and in action.

What is this polarizing struggling force? It is Fear. In awareness, and in action.

As long as you do not step into your own sovereignty and lead with love in your own body-mind, in your own life, someone else will be glad to be there to unburden you of your freedom to do so. It’s a rabbit hole with decades of contrived media and enforcement.

It started with a feeling of false safety in letting the group decide what’s true and what’s best to believe. Asking for protection from fears falsely projected as facts, is not autonomy, any more than remaining quiet and hoping things will return to a state of familiarity empowers real change. You must be the change you wish to see in the world. That famous quote from our friend Ghandi is a more relevant and grounded realization now than ever before.

It means you need to take action. Act differently. Think differently. Move differently. Shift your way of being to shift the world around you.

The more you allow for stagnation, the more you will question your own truth, freedoms, and empowerment not only to live the life you desire and deserve, but to actively create it. To actively co-create your life is your birthright. And that is what fear and media in the wrong hands are glad to take away from you as long as you give them the opportunity. This happens unconsciously by not filtering what you consume, by believing and parroting what the media or others are saying without researching multiple viewpoints or checking in with your own values before coming to a decision about how to think or act. It happens by being on autopilot, on default, or by doing nothing differently.

The fear that runs rampant in our world is now at least in plain sight in the collective. For example, in a situation where a virus “threatens the world”, fear is cultivated en masse which suppresses intelligent leadership and solutions to real world problems, thus allowing for more enforcement of the fear based narrative between behind-the-scenes black magic practicing special interests, and those in the collective who have yet to discover their sovereignty and freedom. ‘Opting out’ of social responsibilities which one feel support one’s truth and vision for humanity, through accepting the only polarized option as the only response, allows for a narrowing of the social discourse that further handicaps those who do nothing to change the discourse.

Submitting to the fear-based narrative leads to the “option” of a “vaccine” that just so happens to include intentional genetic disruptors designed to further dissociate the ability or will of an individual to recognize personal sovereignty, thereby making individuals even more subservient, and more susceptible to external social control or programming in support of private interests.

Meanwhile, scientists and researchers all over the globe have proven perfectly natural easy cheap and effective solutions time and again, which do not get attention in the mass media fear based narrative. Those willing to speak out against the puppet of the pharma machine which feeds on the life force of our unconscious collective rather than sustains their true health, who demonstrate creative and available solutions on behalf of nature and natural remedies in all industries have been intentionally threatened and killed now for decades.

Rivers have been dammed and poisoned, oceans have been oil slicked and trashed, wild species have been hunted and driven to extinction, or sold on the black market for a life in captivity, mountains and acred lands have been overrun, forests have been burned, glaciers melted, cities flooded, radiation leaked, ‘natural disasters’ have escalated in many places around the globe. All this throws off our health, our focus, our economics, and our higher energy cultivation back into fear and survival.

Our connection to the earth, to holistic living, to our inner awareness that connects us with our very Source of life and light, is being intentionally disrupted. Everything that supports our true gifts and creative love-based solutions, has been threatened.

Is this what the collective wants? Or special interests focused on feeding off of humanity while destroying what gives us our natural health, home, freedom, empowerment, and enlightenment. There is a fine line between illness and insanity, and that line has been crossed in the continued decimation of our host planet and the continued unnecessary suffering of humanity and all earth’s life and ecosystem. The prosperity of the few is not sustainable in the killing of the network. We are one, and this only kills oneself and all with it.

Let me say it again: Our connection to Our earth, not just to the earth, but to our earth. We are an intrinsic part of earth. And she is calling for our collective to wake up from the technology-fed dream of the few and to participate in creating a world where earth based life and the life of technology co-exist, even sustain and harmonize, not disrupt, disillusion, or destroy.

Now the time for such “un-solvable” fear based thinking or living to be over.

It’s time to wake up and live back into our heart’s natural desires. Not just baser instinctual desires or addictions, but our heart’s desires. Therein lies our true freedom and power. It is a step beyond the illusion of ego, exemplified by the aforementioned social process we’ve been involved with for a long time now. It is a re-cognition of our collective identity and our shared responsibility.

To begin to wake up means first simply recognizing our fear-based survival-mind judgements and social control programming such as economic enslavement, devaluation of natural sustainable lifestyles and solutions, or fear based ‘framing’ of situations and values, socially or in the media.

Unplug. Change channels. Notice how much lighter you feel when not being drained by fear based thoughts and the energy of those collectives.

Ask yourself what is it really that the un-met parts of you want to learn, to experience, to play with, or to offer? You see, you are a collective in and of yourself, and the way you learn to integrate yourself and all the parts of you that have differing desires, the more easily you’ll be able to engage others the same way. Integration, learning, and understanding, rather than submitting to intolerance or fighting, creates flow, opportunities, and solutions. There are more people in the collective who have this capacity than there are people who lack it.

It is all on a spectrum of consciousness and the more you step into your best self, the more it invites others to as well— even around the world (via nonlocal resonance in the field of collective consciousness).

So step outside your old box today. And discover your next step in a world of happiness and infinite solutions that exists right here where your positive thoughts, feelings, and actions can take you.

Together, we can agree to believe in a world of love now.


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