Welcome To Our Sacred Circles!


Choose A Circle You’d Like To Explore. A Circle can be a sacred inquiry, a virtual group, an intriguing topic, or a suggested adventure.

Includes private practices or social media depending on your mood. Ready to dive in?


Our Contributors Are GEMS


$1 - $999

Crystal Contributions Help Us With Just About Anything.

• Donations

• Contributions

In Gratitude: Crystal Contributors enjoy Membership to _____something_____, Swag, Digital Updates of our Activities In The Works and our Upcoming Plans, and Scalable Discounts on our offerings.


$1000 - $9990

Golden Contributions Help Us With Our Programs, Events, and Sharing The Good Word About What’s Growing Here.

• Gifts

• Grants

• Donations

• Contributions

In Gratitude: Golden Contributors enjoy Scalable Retreat and Course Packages, Healing Sessions, Discounts on Future Offerings, and Benefits for inviting friends who donate as well.


$100,000 - $999,000

Platinum Contributions Help Us With Our Ecology, Niche, and Mindfulness Programs, as well as the Development and Expansion of the Building Structures and the Land for all that’s happening here.

• Gifts

• Grants

• Investments

• Loans (with creative repayment structures)

In Gratitude: Platinum Tier Contributors enjoy their Name Recognition in a form that mutually serves, such as an on-site art installation, and/or in marketing and events.


$1M - $10M

Diamond Contributions Help Us With Our Purchase Of The Property, Our Ecology, Niche, and Mindfulness Programs, as well as the Development and Expansion of the Building Structures and the Land for all that’s happening here.

• Special Gifts

• Special Grants

• Angel Investment

In Gratitude: Diamond Tier Contributors enjoy their Name Recognition in a form that mutually serves, such as an on-site art installation, and/or in marketing and events.


$11M - $55M

Solar Contributions Help Us With Everything That’s Happening Here… and Around the World. This Special Gift Sustains A Future For Sustainable Living.

• Unique Gift

In Gratitude: Solar Tier Contributors enjoy Recognition in a form that is privately decided and designed to mutually serve, such as Name Recognition in a global program, an on-site art installation at each Global Center uniting us around the world, and/or in marketing and events in perpetuity.

Our Secret

We’ll let you in on a little secret our contributors know… that Everything Is Energy; Our Attention, Values, Passion, Talent, Time, Money. Everything.

Money Is A Good Use Of Our Attention. We Put Our Money Where Our Attention Is Or Where We Want To Focus. From The Heart, We Use It Where We Care. Where We Can Contribute. Where We Can Give And Receive The Life Experience Of Creating A Better World. It’s What We Desire. It’s What We Dream. It’s Who We Are. Together.

In addition to the attention we give our outer world, let’s take a look inside for a moment. “‘Making a world of peace, not just difference’ is a lot like setting spinning chakras in motion (or galaxy clusters if you look at the macro too), constantly rebalancing, cleansing, and calibrating so they hold their original collective harmonic. This inner balance happens naturally, but like any practice, things happen more ‘in the flow’ when we give our inner process a little love and attention too.

Balance happens at every level, with every thought, every breath, offering positive choice and encouraging repetition until a new way of doing or being emerges that works better, or that carries us forward via ease of attunement instead of force of habit or disharmonious drag. Either in a big way or step by step, creation and change happens within first. Then we see where and how we can best contribute.

The way we live builds momentum, spiraling petal by petal, chakra by chakra, person by person, as we come together in real time with unique and heartfelt contributions from everyone to create the flowering genetic code of our collective future.

Thank You For Your Unique Contribution!

You Are A True Gem.